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The Perfect Golf Swing - Timeless Golf Instruction

author:Release time:2023-09-05classification:High quality coursesread:2917 ℃comment:0 comment

  • A willingness to listen to *and implement* the instruction. If you have the right attitude, do what Jim says, and put in the work, this WILL work for you. Period.
  • The Perfect Golf Swing is the internationally acclaimed course taught by golf pro Jim McLellan.

    Jim has been featured by the New York Times, NBC, CBS, Entertainment Tonight, Today's Golfer, and ABC.  He is also prominently featured in John Richardson's bestselling book, "Dream On"

    Jim has helped tens of thousands of golfers improve their Golf Swing Basics when all other instruction has failed.

    Volume I is ten lessons that cover the basics of how to transform your swing into a perfect Golfswing.  All that is required is a golf club and your willingness to do what Jim says.  In fact, in the beginning you don't go to a golf course, you don't even hit a golf ball.  Whether you're just starting or have been playing for years, this is about starting out right or about un-learning all of the bad habits and bad instruction that other magazines, books and videos have put in your head about Golf Swing Basics.

    Volume II is about taking your game to the next level.  Increasing power and distance, fixing your slice, chipping, putting, sand shots, etc. 

    All of the instruction is delivered via video, and Jim will be available to answer questions you post to Udemy.

    Here is an overview of what you will learn in Volume I and II:

    The Perfect Golf Swing: Volume I

    1.  Good Golf:  The 2 key points that contribute to great golf.
    2.  Back Swing:  What is a good back swing and are you making the biggest back swing mistake?
    3.  The Hat:  The most important element of the golf swing.
    4.  Goob:  A story you will never forget.
    5.  Follow Through:  The easiest part of the golf swing and the least understood.
    6.  Tie it all Together: 1 golf swing, 1 motion.
    7.  Grip:  How to find the grip you were born with.
    8.  Stance:  Finding your perfect stance.
    9.  Hot Tips:  The 3 things that prevent you from becoming as good as you can be.
    10.  Practice:  Practice makes permanent.  Perfect practice makes perfect.

    The Perfect Golf Swing: Volume II

    1.  The Perfect Swing:  Fine tuning your good golf swing into a perfect golf swing.
    2.  Power/Distance:  What is the source of the power?  How you can harness it.
    3.  Slicing/Hooking:  How to cure your golf slice in 5 minutes or less.  No kidding!
    4.  Clyde:  Questions from the gallery.
    5.  Irons:  Keys for superb iron play.
    6.  Ball Placement:  Proper ball placement.
    7.  Truth and Lies:  The 4 lies. Do you know what they are?
    8.  Practice:  Are you practicing intelligently?
    9.  Scoring:  The little known secret to a lower score.
    10.  Chipping, Putting & Sand Shots: Made Easy
    11.  Sage Advice:  The way to your best golf and the dangers of more information.
    12.  Visualization:  The beauty of a perfect golf swing.

  • This course can either get you started right, or take your game to the next level if you've been playing for years


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